How to find a volunteer role to enhance your career Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] How to find a volunteer role to enhance your career [nectar_btn size=”large” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”see-through” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” color_override=”#ffffff” icon_family=”none” el_class=”full-width-button” url=”mailto:[email protected]” text=”CONTACT US”]…

Inclusive Volunteering Resources Page

…Place – Inclusive Disability Volunteering [nectar_video_lightbox link_style=”play_button_2″ nectar_play_button_color=”Default-Accent-Color” image_url=”28099″ hover_effect=”defaut” box_shadow=”none” border_radius=”none” play_button_size=”default” video_url=””] Video: Engaging Volunteers with a Disability [nectar_video_lightbox link_style=”play_button_2″ nectar_play_button_color=”Default-Accent-Color” image_url=”28100″ hover_effect=”defaut” box_shadow=”none” border_radius=”none” play_button_size=”default” video_url=””] Video:…

Current Advocacy Priorities Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] Current Advocacy Priorities Volunteering Victoria advocates for and supports the rights, well-being and interests of volunteers. We build and maintain strong…

Individual Membership – Volunteer Manager Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] Individual Membership: Volunteer Manager Volunteer Managers are considered to be performing a role of supervision or co-ordination of volunteer programs for…

Corporate Membership Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] Associate Membership: Corporate Corporate Members of Volunteering Victoria demonstrate their commitment to the volunteering sector generally as well as within their…

State Budget Submissions Page

…url=”” text=”Read more” margin_left=”10″] Response to 2022-23 State Budget May 2022 [nectar_btn size=”small” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Extra-Color-3″ icon_family=”none” url=”” text=”Read more” margin_left=”10″] 2022-23 State Budget We are pleased to provide this…

Navigating Boundaries in Your Volunteer Role Page

…infrastructure needed to support you in navigating professional boundaries in your role. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to: Understand the importance of establishing professional boundaries as…

Full Membership Page

…1: Turnover under $50k $70 annually [nectar_btn size=”small” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” text=”Join now” url=””] Level 4: Turnover $1m – $5m $300 annually [nectar_btn size=”small” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” text=”Join now” url=””]…

Training and workshops Page

…round on a number of issues related to managing volunteers effectively. These are run on demand with a variety of dates being scheduled throughout the year. Participants will learn from…

Useful Resources Page

…aim to be your go-to place for all things volunteering. Whether the need is big or small, you can come to us for reliable resources and advice. Volunteering Victoria Guides…

PLV Talks Webinars Page

…and successes in our dynamic and challenging sector. We feel that after you’ve understood key principles of volunteer management, often the most helpful thing can be to hear about someone…

Volunteering Victoria Webinars Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] Webinars Volunteering Victoria webinar series aim to bring you contemporary knowledge and insights on topics surrounding volunteer management in our ever…