Restarting your Volunteer Program in the COVID-19 World Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] Restarting Your Volunteer Program in the COVID-19 World Cost: FREE (supported by VMA funding) COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on…

Targeted Recruitment and Engaging Young People Page

…specifically to engage young people. Understand the recruitment and retention in line with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement Understand how to target specific volunteer cohorts Identify barriers that may…

Policy Submissions Page

…to sustain and grow voluntary contribution. [nectar_btn size=”small” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” solid_text_color_override=”#ffffff” icon_family=”none” url=”” text=”Read more” margin_left=”10″] Submission to ANZSCO Comprehensive Review – Consultation Round 1 May 2023 Volunteering Victoria…

State of Volunteering and Advocacy Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] State of Volunteering and Advocacy All events will run virtually. Cost: $80 members | $120 non members Advocacy on behalf of…

Emergency Volunteering Page

…leads emergency management in Victoria by maximising the ability of the emergency management sector to work together and to strengthen the capacity of communities to plan for, withstand, respond to…

The ‘Tuff’ Stuff: Volunteer Performance Counselling Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] The ‘Tuff’ Stuff: Volunteer Performance Counselling [nectar_animated_title heading_tag=”h6″ style=”color-strip-reveal” color=”Extra-Color-3″ text=”Next session”] Date: Tuesday 10 September 2024 Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm…

Ưu tiên Vận động Hiện tại Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] Vận động hiện tại Ưu tiên Tổ chức tình nguyện Victoria ủng hộ và hỗ trợ các quyền, phúc lợi và…

أولويات الدعوة الحالية Page

[nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”default” icon_color=”white” icon_padding=”0px” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-left” url=”” icon_size=”30″] الدعوة الحالية الأولويات تدافع منظمة فيكتوريا التطوعية عن حقوق المتطوعين ورفاههم ومصالحهم وتدعمها. نحن نبني ونحافظ على علاقات قوية متبادلة المنفعة…

أعضائنا Page

Community House (متطوعة من أجل نوكس) النظير هيئة مكافحة الحرائق في البلاد (CFA) الشجاعة للرعاية (فيك) Inc شركة كرانبورن لخدمات المعلومات والدعم كريمشيك المحدودة كرون والتهاب القولون أستراليا الرعاية المجتمعية…