News & Announcements

weVolunteer Pilot Evaluation report

By 18 November, 2021 February 6th, 2025 No Comments

Volunteering Victoria was funded by the Victorian Government in August 2020 to deliver a new initiative to help Victoria recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Designed to help connect local community organisations with credentialed volunteers, the initial funding for weVolunteer was short-term to 30 June 2021. With a further 12 months of funding since confirmed, an extensive review of the project’s pilot phase has been completed to help guide its continued growth and development.

During the evaluation process, Volunteering Victoria identified a number of challenges and future opportunities for the improvement of weVolunteer and its impact on communities needing volunteer assistance on their recovery journeys. These are canvassed in the Pilot Evaluation report as a way to inform future policy and program decisions.

weVolunteer is growing to be a useful program for helping to source volunteers, providing surge capacity of volunteers, preparing volunteers and organisations for community recovery and facilitating better place-based responses to community need. Victorian Government support of weVolunteer has been essential, and welcome, and will continue to be as we work collectively to build resilient communities across the state.

A summary copy of the report can be accessed below.

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