News & Announcements

Volunteering Victoria Undertakes ISO 9001 Accreditation

By 4 May, 2021 August 16th, 2021 No Comments

Volunteering Victoria is committed to the provision of professional services and resources to meet and where possible, exceed our members and stakeholders’ requirements and expectations, thereby assisting them to achieve their strategic objectives.

Quality Management and continuous improvements ensure effectively identifying ways to improve outcomes for both our members and the wider volunteering sector.

“Obtaining ISO 9001 certification also means we can ensure our services and resources meet statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as our policies and procedures,” adds Miller.

Volunteering Victoria will complete certification of professional services and resources by:

  • Building genuine partnerships and ensure joint success into the future
  • Adapting the framework and requirements of the following management system standards to meet company, customer, legal, regulatory and community needs
  • Use safe systems of work that are environmentally sustainable and supported by documented and auditable standards, procedures, software and records;
  • Encourage team problem solving at all levels of Volunteering Victoria to implement work practices and processes that improve the service level and/or our management and business systems;
  • Measure, monitor, review and wherever possible continually improve our management and business systems and associated key processes through the development of specific departmental and individual KPI’s and other business objectives; and
  • Provide sufficient and suitably qualified resources to effectively manage, monitor, report and continually develop and improve the management and business systems.
Read more about the ISO 9001 here
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