Browse by topic
General diversity & inclusion

- Case study: Asylum Seeker Resource Centre – Inclusive Volunteering Award Recipient
- Case study: Baptcare – Inclusive Volunteering Award Recipient
- Case study: Conference Activity – Identifying Barriers and Solutions
- Case study: Inclusive Volunteering VIO Awards
- Case study: Saturday Vollie Club
Engaging people with disability

- Fact sheet: Breaking Barriers for People with Disability
- Case study: Building Inclusive Volunteering Opportunities
- Case study: Cohealth’s Early Intervention Psychosocial Support Response Program
- Video: Engaging Volunteers with a Disability
- Case study: Inverloch Winter Soup Café
- Case study: Manningham Volunteer Resource Service
- Case study: Mary and Andrew
- Case study: Pinarc Volunteer From Home Program
- Case study: Springvale Service for Children – Disability Inclusion
- Case study: The Role of the Support Worker
- Fact sheet: Top Tips for Supporting Volunteers with Disabilities
- Case study: Valorous Place – Inclusive Disability Volunteering
Engaging new migrants

- Fact sheet: Breaking Barriers for Newly Arrived Migrants
- Fact sheet: Common Misconceptions for Newly Arrived Migrant Volunteers
- Case study: Cultural Luncheon and Presentations
- Case study: Cultural Storytime
- Video: Engaging New Migrant Volunteers
- Presentation: From Informal to Formal Volunteering in Migrant Communities
- Case study: Karen Community Working Bee
- Case study: Success Story – National Volunteer Week Celebration
- Case study: Amina (Wellsprings for Women) – Volunteering for New Migrants
Engaging First Nations peoples

- Case study: Cultural Awareness and Yarning Session
- Video: Engaging Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Volunteers
- Document: Recommended Indigenous Viewing, Reading & Podcasts
Engaging young people

- Case study: Manningham Volunteer Resource Service
Browse by format
Case studies
- Case study: Amina (Wellsprings for Women) – Volunteering for New Migrants
- Case study: Asylum Seeker Resource Centre – Inclusive Volunteering Award Recipient
- Case study: Baptcare – Inclusive Volunteering Award Recipient
- Case study: Building Inclusive Volunteering Opportunities
- Case study: Cohealth’s Early Intervention Psychosocial Support Response Program
- Case study: Conference Activity – Identifying Barriers and Solutions
- Case study: Cultural Awareness and Yarning Session
- Case study: Cultural Luncheon and Presentations
- Case study: Cultural Storytime
- Case study: Impacting a Pathway to Employment Program
- Case study: Inclusive Volunteering VIO Awards
- Case study: Inverloch Winter Soup Café
- Case study: Karen Community Working Bee
- Case study: Manningham Volunteer Resource Service
- Case study: Mary and Andrew
- Case study: Pinarc Volunteer From Home Program
- Case study: Saturday Vollie Club
- Case study: Springvale Service for Children – Disability Inclusion
- Case study: Success Story – National Volunteer Week Celebration
- Case study: The Role of the Support Worker
- Case study: Valorous Place – Inclusive Disability Volunteering
Fact sheets
- Fact sheet: Breaking Barriers for Newly Arrived Migrants
- Fact sheet: Breaking Barriers for People with Disability
- Fact sheet: Common Misconceptions for Newly Arrived Migrant Volunteers
- Fact sheet: Top Tips for Supporting Volunteers with Disabilities
Browse by region

Barwon South West
- Case study: Impacting a Pathway to Employment Program
Eastern Metro
- Case study: Asylum Seeker Resource Centre – Inclusive Volunteering Award Recipient
- Case study: Baptcare – Inclusive Volunteering Award Recipient
- Case study: Inclusive Volunteering VIO Awards
- Case study: Manningham Volunteer Resource Service
- Case study: Mary and Andrew
- Case study: Saturday Vollie Club
- Case study: The Role of the Support Worker
- Video: Engaging Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Volunteers
- Video: Engaging New Migrant Volunteers
- Video: Engaging Volunteers with a Disability
- Case study: Conference Activity – Identifying Barriers and Solutions
- Case study: Inverloch Winter Soup Café
- Fact sheet: Breaking Barriers for Newly Arrived Migrants
- Fact sheet: Breaking Barriers for People with Disability
- Case study: Cultural Awareness and Yarning Session
- Case study: Pinarc Volunteer From Home Program
- Case study: Building Inclusive Volunteering Opportunities
Loddon Mallee
- Case study: Cultural Luncheon and Presentations
- Case study: Cultural Storytime
- Presentation: From Informal to Formal Volunteering in Migrant Communities
- Case study: Karen Community Working Bee
North West Metro
- Case study: Success Story – National Volunteer Week Celebration
- Case study: Cohealth’s Early Intervention Psychosocial Support Response Program
Southern Metro
- Case study: Amina (Wellsprings for Women) – Volunteering for New Migrants
- Case study: Springvale Service for Children – Disability Inclusion
- Case study: Valorous Place – Inclusive Disability Volunteering