News & Announcements

VMA 2022-26 Consortium Leads Announced

By 16 June, 2022 February 6th, 2025 No Comments

Announcement of Consortium Leads for the Volunteer Management Agreement 2022-26 

Volunteering Victoria were awarded funding by the Department of Social Services to build the capacity of Volunteer Involving Organisations and break down barriers to volunteering for First Nations Peoples, newly arrived migrants and people with disability. Through this funding Volunteering Victoria offered four-year grants to the sector for the Volunteer Management Activity program. 

The Volunteer Management Activity program aims to increase opportunities for people to participate in the social and economic life of their broader community through volunteering, by:  

  • building effective volunteering practices and opportunities within organisations and communities 
  • increasing the diversity of volunteers 
  • improving access to information on volunteering
  • providing access to the training, resources and support volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) need. 

This redesigned program represents a significant change from how volunteer management services have previously been delivered across Australia and puts Volunteering Victoria in a new role as jurisdictional provider and funder of services. To optimise success of the program Volunteering Victoria commissioned LDC Group to: 

  • undertake an environmental scan and consultation framework 
  • provide advice on how best to implement redesigned VMA at a jurisdictional level to ensure the success of the program. 

 Based on advice from this review Volunteering Victoria ran a competitive process for four-year contracts in eight regions across Victoria that align with the Emergency Management Victoria boundaries. We are pleased to announce the following Consortium Leads:   

Region  Consortium Lead 
Eastern Metro  Eastern Volunteers 
Gippsland  GippSport 
Grampians  The Ballarat Foundation 
Loddon Mallee  Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre 
North West Metro  Volunteer West 
Southern Metro  South East Volunteers 
Barwon South West Volunteering Geelong
Hume Volunteering Geelong

Each consortium brings together a range of consortium partners who will work together to drive innovative solutions that enhance volunteering in Victoria.

Volunteering Victoria CEO Scott Miller said:

“The program provides an important opportunity to make volunteering more accessible and drive best practice and efficiencies. Volunteering is really important for our community.

Anyone interested in the Volunteer Management Activity program can read more about it on the Volunteering Victoria website –

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