- Plan how to meet your volunteer needs, from governance to game day
- Ensure a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment
- Create positions with reasonable time commitments that volunteers can achieve successfully
- Recruit both inside and outside your sport, and consider specialist volunteer recruiting
- Promote volunteering opportunities widely to attract new volunteers and represent the diversity of your local community
- Select fairly and consistently
- Create selection requirements that are role specific
- Create game day / event minimum selection requirements
- Create broader selection requirements for administration and coaching roles
- Plan standard inductions for all volunteer roles
- Create inductions that can be re-used rather than re-created each time volunteers commence
- Create simplified game day / event orientation processes
- Plan more detailed orientation for administrator and coaching roles
- Create a structured and supportive environment to encourage volunteers to keep coming back
- Provide opportunities for feedback, which can improve volunteer experience
Additional resources:
Video: Supporting through change
- Recognition makes volunteers feel valued, valuable and wanted
- Access a range of simple ideas you can implement with ease
- Retain the volunteers who join your club by creating a great environment for them