A strong research and evidence base is essential to our purpose to promote and build a vibrant, strong volunteering community that is inclusive, respected, and sustainable. Our advocacy, policy and operational work is underpinned by current volunteer research and best practice.
Volunteering Victoria values the diverse forms and definitions of volunteering and community giving that exist within our community. We strive to highlight and support research that provides increased understanding of the way communities contribute and support each other.
Do you know any research projects or reports that should be included here?
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- Inclusion & diversity
- Volunteer engagement
- Benefits of volunteering
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- International research
Barriers to Volunteering: First Nations Peoples, Newly Arrived Migrants and People with Disability
National Volunteering Peak Bodies, 2023
In 2023, all volunteering peak bodies commissioned a report to identify barriers to volunteering and how to improve access and inclusion for First Nations peoples, people with disability, and newly arrived migrants. A snapshot series was produced to share the key findings, so volunteer-involving organisations feel equipped to engage volunteers from each group.
Volunteer Involving Organisations Online Accessibility Survey
National Volunteering Peak Bodies, 2023
As part of federal Volunteer Management Activity funding, a national survey was conducted by volunteering peak bodies across Australia to measure digital inclusion in the volunteering sector. The results will inform recommendations to improve online accessibility and address barriers.
Volunteering & New Arrivals: A Social Cohesion Opportunity
Whittlesea Community Connections, 2022
Community Giving in First Nations Communities
Volunteering Victoria, 2022
As part of grant funding from the Australian Government, Volunteering Victoria partnered with Community First Development to understand practices of community giving in First Nations communities in Gippsland.
Pathways to culturally diverse volunteering towards COVID-19 recovery
Volunteer West, 2021
Theories and models of disability [Easy read]
Shane Clifton (for the Disability Royal Commission), 2020
This Easy Read report is a summary of a report Hierarchies of power: Disability theories and models and their implications for violence against, and abuse, neglect, and exploitation of, people with disability’. View full report here.
Anxiety, wellbeing and engaging young people in volunteering
Monash Centre for Youth Policy and Education Practice (CYPEP), 2024
Drawing from data collected for the Australian Youth Barometer, this paper examines the different ways young people understand volunteering, and how their understandings and activities differ from mainstream definitions of volunteering.
Emerging Stronger Research Grant: What Works to Re-Engage and Broaden Volunteering
EV Strengthening Communities, 2023
weVolunteer Final Evaluation Report
Volunteering Victoria, 2022
weVolunteer was launched by the Premier of Victoria in August 2020 in response to the growing social impacts of COVID-19 and the need to mobilise volunteers to support local communities. weVolunteer was designed to help build community resilience and aid social recovery through volunteering.
Research Briefing: Volunteering during the first year of COVID-19
Volunteering Australia, 2021
Engagement, Commitment, Satisfaction and Intention to Remain Among Volunteers in Victorian Public Health Sector Organisations
John Richards Centre for Rural Ageing Research, La Trobe University, 2020
HelpOUT: Spontaneous Emergency Volunteering in Victoria
Volunteering Victoria, 2018
Volunteering Victoria’s HelpOUT initiative aimed to improve the coordination and management of spontaneous emergency volunteers through a recruitment, coordination and management service.
The role of volunteering in protecting against loneliness in rural populations
Tara Williams – LaTrobe Rural Health School, 2022
CPD Program Evaluation – Focus Group Report
Monash Business School, 2023
In 2023, Monash University Business School researchers were engaged to conduct an evaluation of Volunteering Victoria’s CPD program. The findings will provide a profound understanding of how to enhance the effectiveness of future CPD programs, and in turn, better equip volunteer managers to excel in their roles.
Leadership for Volunteering: The COVID-19 Experience
International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), 2021
Developing a Competency Framework for Health Volunteer Management
John Richards Centre for Rural Ageing Research, La Trobe University, 2020
Victorian Volunteer Sector Survey
Volunteering Victoria, 2024
Volunteering Victoria runs an annual Volunteer Sector Survey to gather valuable insights from volunteer leaders and managers across the state.
LOHVE Benchmarking Study
LOHVE Network – Bendigo Health, 2020-2022
State of Volunteering Report
Volunteering Victoria (in partnership with the Victorian Government), 2020
Australia Giving: An overview of charitable giving in Australia