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Updated: Navigating the Mandating of Vaccines for Volunteers: The View of Volunteering Victoria

By 1 October, 2021 December 7th, 2021 No Comments

Updated: 29 November 2021

At Volunteering Victoria, we are all keenly aware that the vaccination mandate that came into effect on October 15th raises a lot of questions and challenges for your organisations, employees and volunteers.

Our view

It is the view of Volunteering Victoria that vaccinating our community against COVID-19 is the most obvious and proven way out of the restrictions and lockdowns we have suffered through for many months. With the State Government announcing a directive mandating the vaccination of essential volunteer workers, we want to state our support for this announcement.

For non-mandated volunteer settings, it remains your personal/organisation’s decision to vaccinate or not (until a government health or legislative directive states otherwise). We encourage all individuals and organisations to strongly consider their safety and that of their wider workforce (including volunteers), clients and stakeholders.

Our advice to organisations

Our advice to organisations is to be clear and transparent when it comes to assessing risk and deciding what is best for your organisation, visitors and/or clients with whom you interact and your volunteers. Wherever possible, we recommend involving them in the process.

Non-mandated vaccine settings

Volunteering Australia, with input from Volunteering Victoria, have put this Position Paper together in respect to vaccinations:

Resources to assess risk

Volunteer involving organisations have a duty of care to ensure the health and safety of their volunteers as well as other stakeholders (e.g. staff, clients and customers). Relevant legislation includes The Victorian Wrongs Act (1958), and the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004). View our Health and Safety guide here.