News & Announcements

National Volunteer Week Celebrates Volunteers During Dynamic Times

National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to recognise the impact of volunteers and their power to tackle society’s greatest challenges.

“National Volunteer Week is a chance to be part of Australia’s biggest annual celebration of volunteers, recognising the enormous contribution of over 3 million Victorians who volunteer, formally or informally, in their communities” says Scott Miller, Chief Executive of Volunteering Victoria.

“Volunteers give so much, and now more than ever – whether it’s delivering meals, teaching someone to connect with loved ones using technology, or lending an ear when it’s needed – here’s to Victoria’s volunteers!” says Anthony Carbines, Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers.

This year, National Volunteer Week in Victoria is celebrating with the theme: Changing Communities, Changing lives; Re-imagining Volunteering in Dynamic Times.

“As people strive to lead lives that reflect their values, the expression of active citizenship has evolved. Whether at the office, online or at local food banks – doing good can come in many forms and we celebrate them all” adds Miller.

“During these uncertain times, volunteers continue to be a vital part of the recovery process for many communities, and their stories serve to inspire others to take action and make a difference” states Miller.

“Volunteers continue to create stronger communities and a more just society during these dynamic times” says Miller.

“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of Victoria’s amazing volunteers for the invaluable contribution you make – changing communities and changing lives – each and every day” adds Carbines.

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