Volunteering Victoria Membership


Victoria’s peak body supporting a strong volunteering sector.

By joining and working with Volunteering Victoria, members help support our vision for resilient communities and empowered, active people through meaningful volunteering.

Members allow us to lead, support, advocate for volunteering, and help us to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving volunteering landscape. Through the power of association, our collective voice is strengthened. Together, we can build a vibrant, strong volunteering community that is inclusive, respected and sustainable.

Download Membership Flyer

Member Discovery Sessions:
Volunteering Victoria offers free webinars to introduce members to our services, tools and resources and how to get the most out of their Volunteering Victoria membership. Click below to view upcoming dates and sign up, or you can also visit our Events Calendar.

Find out more

Membership Benefits

Grow your networks at our member only events and connect with other volunteer professionals

Provide input on our policy, advocacy and research work to shape the future of volunteering across Victoria.

Take advantage of the 30% discount when attending training, conferences and other events. This can apply to multiple employees within an organisation.

Access our sector leading Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program for Professional Leaders of Volunteers.

Become a mentor, or receive a mentor to support your professional practice.

Nominate or be nominated for an award at our prestigious annual State Awards.

Share your expertise and develop your communication skills through presenting at one of our monthly webinars.

Participate in Special Interest Groups to engage and exchange practice tips and ideas, and contribute to Volunteering Victoria’s strategic projects.

Access to self-promote your volunteer programs through our online groups and forums.

Receive a certificate of membership and the right to use the Volunteering Victoria logo to promote status of organisation/individual amongst networks/peers.

Develop your skills by attending one of our highly regarded training workshops.

Attend a new member webinar to get an overview of our services, tools and resources.

Membership Structure

Full Membership:

Volunteer Involving

Membership suitable for any Volunteer Involving Organisation (VIO) that holds personal accident (volunteer) and public liability insurance.


Full Membership:

Local Government Authority

Membership suitable for any local government authority that engages volunteers to support service delivery, including local government operated volunteer support services (VSS).



Individual membership is suitable for any volunteer, volunteer supporter or volunteer manager as per these categories:

Volunteer or Supporter of VolunteersVolunteer Manager

Associate Membership:

Volunteering Involving
Organisations (no insurance)

Membership suitable for any Volunteer Involving Organisation (VIO), without any personal accident (volunteer) and public liability insurance. Volunteering Victoria must approve adding a VIO to this membership category.


Associate Membership:


Membership suitable for any tertiary institution, business or for-profit organisation that has an interest in being involved in or supporting volunteering in Victoria.



What Our Members Say