The Volunteer Management Activity is designed to increase opportunities for people to participate in the social and economic life of their broader community through volunteering.
Through the Volunteer Management Activity, the Australian Government Department of Social Services funds peak bodies to:
1. Break down barriers to volunteering for government identified priority groups:
- People with disability;
- First Nations Peoples;
- Newly arrived migrants;
- Vulnerable women;
- Young people aged 12-18;
- People who are unemployed.
2. Deliver online services to build the capacity of volunteer-involving organisations including:
- Best practice recruitment and training of volunteers;
- Best practice strategies for supporting and retaining volunteers;
- Best practice volunteer management;
- Provision of information, tools, training and resources including regulatory obligations and risk management.
Consortium Leads Network
Volunteering Victoria offered funding to the sector for four-year grants to break down barriers for the priority groups. Eight consortiums were selected to lead delivery of the redesigned VMA 2022-26 program in Victoria.
The consortiums bring together a diverse mix of organisations, that are best placed to foster connections and understand local needs.
The Consortium Leads form a collaborative network to support and coordinate the work across all eight regions. The group engage in meetings with Volunteering Victoria staff every 6 weeks, operating as a community of practice.
Contact your local consortium
If you are looking for support for your organisation or breaking down barriers to volunteering, contact the consortium that covers your area today.
Barwon South West
Consortium Lead: Volunteering Geelong
Local Government Areas: Geelong, Surf Coast, Colac Otway, Corangamite, Warnambool, Moyne, Southern Grampians and Glenelg
Contact: Helen Hunter – Chief Executive Officer
(03) 5221 1377
[email protected]Eastern Metro
Consortium Lead: EV Strengthening Communities
Local Government Areas: Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges Shire
Contact: Adele Braun – Executive Assistant
0409 993 048
[email protected]Gippsland
Consortium Lead: GippSport
Local Government Areas: South Gippsland, Bass Coast, Baw Baw, Latrobe, Wellington, East Gippsland
Contact: Karen Ferguson – Community Sport Development Officer
0477 692 929
[email protected]Grampians
Consortium Lead: Ballarat Foundation
Local Government Areas: Hindmarsh, West Wimmera, Yarriambiak, Horsham, Ararat, Pyrenes, Golden Plains, Ballarat, Hepburn and Moorabool
Contact: Lisa Hall – Volunteer Co-ordinator
(03) 5331 5555
[email protected]Hume
Consortium Lead: Volunteering Geelong
Local Government Areas: Moira, Greater Shepparton, Strathbogie, Mitchell, Murrindindi, Mansfield, Benalla, Wangaratta, Indigo, Wodonga, Alpine and Towong
Contact: Sharon Pellas – Operations Manager
(02) 6021 0990
[email protected]Loddon Mallee
Consortium Lead: Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre
Local Government Areas: Mildura, Swan Hill, Campaspe, Buloke, Gannawarra, Loddon, Bendigo, Central Goldfields, Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges
Contact: Helen Yorston – Manager
(03) 5441 1404
[email protected]North West Metro
Consortium Lead: Volunteer West (a division of Australian Multicultural Community Services)
Local Government Areas: Banyule, Brimbank, Darebin, Hobsons Bay, Hume, Maryibrynong, Melbourne, Melton, Merri-bek, Moonee Valley, Nillumbik, Whittlesea, Wyndham and Yarra
Contact: Jack Fawcett – Project Officer
1800 123 865
[email protected]Southern Metro
Consortium Lead: South East Volunteers
Local Government Areas: Bayside, Cardinia, Casey, Frankson, French Island, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, Kingston, Mornington Peninsula, Port Phillip and Stonnington
Contact: Lisa Hester – VMA Project Coordinator
0410 481 866
[email protected]
Additional information
The Australian Government Department of Social Services has provided $8.128m in funding to Victoria until 2026.
During the application process Volunteering Victoria published the following background resources:
Read more about the redesign of the Volunteer Management Activity and the changes in the delivery of volunteer management services.
Funded by: