News & Announcements

Finding Common Ground – Volunteering and the UN SDGs

By October 13, 2019 No Comments

In 2015, the UN unveiled 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which they describe as “a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity”.

On Wednesday 16 October, At the Volunteering Victoria’s 2019 AGM, the panel will explore these goals through a sector specific lens, leading a discussion which brings to the fore an important question for all in attendance; how do the SDGs relate to me?

“In a rapidly changing environmental, economic and cultural dynamic, the role of volunteering is re-emerging as a key avenue for social change and fulfillment.” Says Scott Miller, Chief Executive of Volunteering Victoria.

“We would like to give participants some information and insights to take back to the workplace which can inform their day to day operations, and for them to leave feeling plugged in to a broader change that is currently sweeping the world.” He adds.

Keynote: Ian Chambers, author and Program Director of Plan for the Planet will provide the audience with context about the SDG program and explore how they are currently being implemented, as well as the opportunities for implementation that exist.

“We expect to hear constructive criticism of the SDGs and the challenges present for those looking to implement them. We are aiming for the discussion to be thought provoking where all facets of the issues are able to be addressed and not only the agreeable.” Says Scott.

Panel discussion: will include Paul Bird from Australian Volunteers International, Adrienne Picone from Volunteering Australia and Brandon Ah Tong from Fred Hollows Foundation. The panel will be moderated by Felicity Green from Spark Strategy.

“In addition to this discussion of the broader political and social landscape, AGM attendees will be guided in exploring how the SDG’s relate to their own lives as managers and coordinators of volunteer programs.” Scott adds.

“Volunteering is central to a people-centred development and volunteers are uniquely positioned to reach out to the marginalised and the vulnerable. As a peak body, we believe the Sustainable Development Goals provide an important framework to strengthen, build and sustain vibrant and resilient communities in Victoria.” Says Scott.

Download the media release here.

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