News & Announcements

Changing Faces in the Volunteering Sector

By 5 July, 2022 February 6th, 2025 No Comments

Announcement of Volunteering Victoria CEO Resignation

Dear members and friends,

Our CEO of four years, Scott Miller, has accepted a new role in the volunteering sector and has provided me with his notice to resign, effective 26 August 2022.

Scott has made an incredible difference not only to Volunteering Victoria but to the sector as a whole. As CEO, he always went ‘above and beyond’, and the leadership he has shown during the last four years is testament to the strength of his determination, intellect and genuine passion for the role volunteers and volunteer managers play in communities across the state.

Scott led a capable team through some very proud achievements including ISO9001 and Reconciliation accreditation, reforming the federal Volunteer Management Activity (VMA) fund in Victoria, increasing our membership numbers to their highest in recent memory, and most recently, delivering his second sold-out State Conference.

Scott leaves Volunteering Victoria in very capable hands. The team he has developed are ready to assume responsibility for our on-going operations while we undertake a comprehensive recruitment process. To this end, Antoine Guillemette will become Acting CEO. Antoine has been Engagement Manager for the last 12 months and has demonstrated a strong commitment to our strategic goals of advocacy, capability and promoting volunteering.

We wish Scott the very best with his future endeavours and look forward to Antoine and team working on the next stages of the Victorian Volunteer Strategy, VMA implementation and State election campaign.

Bronwen Clark
Chair, Volunteering Victoria


Briefing to Incoming Minister Brooks

Late June, a Cabinet reshuffle saw the Hon. Anthony Carbines leave the portfolio of Child Protection and Family Services, and Disability, Ageing and Carers. We sincerely thank him for his strong support for volunteering communities during his tenure as Parliamentary Secretary and Minister.

We also welcome the appointment of the Hon. Colin Brooks as the new Minister. You can read our briefing below, focusing on the challenges and opportunities volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations are currently facing.

View briefing
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