AMES Australia

AMES Australia, one of Volunteering Victoria’s members, provides humanitarian settlement, education, training and employment services for refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived migrants. AMES offers a range of volunteering opportunities, which are currently adapting with the effects of COVID-19.

Lisa Acadia, one of the Volunteer Manager at AMES says: “In times like these, with the COVID-19 pandemic making face-to-face connection with clients more difficult, the role our volunteers play is even more important. They help us extend our reach and connections with people who are among the most vulnerable to the negative health and economic impacts of the COVID-19; and whom we know are suffering high levels of anxiety”.

AMES uses a range of communication platforms to maintain connections with volunteers. A weekly newsletter including volunteer and staff stories, quizzes and useful links and resources is sent to all volunteers.

To manage volunteers in high-risk categories, surveys were sent out early asking which volunteers would remain in face-to-face roles, and which would move to online tasks. This has enabled engagement in programs without physical contact with clients. AMES staff are continuously identifying different ways for volunteers to support clients in new, remote ways. Class tutor volunteers and Professional Mentor volunteers are adapting to new remote methods. Some volunteers previously working from AMES Australia sites have unfortunately had to stop completely due to physical restrictions.

To retain volunteers in a new online environment AMES’ volunteer survey results provided flexibility for remote engagement, and the provision of resources and support. Realising what motivates volunteers there is a desire to support others, AMES has aligned their shared values to provide an ongoing purpose and mission.

Keeping volunteers engaged, AMES is assisting clients with downloading essential service apps, registering with local libraries, and checking in with clients via phone calls. As none of these tasks have been done remotely before, AMES has an opportunity to expand.

Looking to the future, AMES is no longer shackled by the issue of location. The organisation is still recruiting as required, with the whole process conducted online via email, phone, skype or zoom. Reviewing procedures, volunteer role descriptions, volunteer manuals and resources to ensure compliance and volunteers are supported in a new way of working.

By Ruby Jacobs, volunteer writer for Volunteering Victoria
