Volunteering Victoria

Volunteering Victoria is the state peak body for volunteering, focusing on advocacy, sector development, and the promotion of volunteering.

We see our role as leading the development of a collaborative, sustainable, thriving volunteering community and movement in Victoria.

For an overview of Volunteering Victoria and our service impact, please see our Prospectus flyer below.

Download Flyer

Our Purpose & Vision

We advocate, advise and facilitate for an inclusive and thriving volunteering culture. We do this with and for all volunteers, communities, and organisations.

Our vision is for Victorians to be happier and healthier because they volunteer and build their communities.

Our Values

Volunteering is a whole of community effort.
Volunteering is a whole of government effort that we seek to forge.

Volunteering needs to be more inclusive.
We address systemic barriers and build strong foundations for all forms of volunteering practices.

Volunteering is innovation in community building.
We support creative ways to meet community needs through volunteering.

We are transparent and accountable in our work.

Strategic Goals

2022 – 2025

Ensure volunteering and community building is appealing and accessible to all Victorians.
Equip volunteers and leaders of volunteers to have the greatest impact they can.
Advocate for a better policy and funding environment for volunteering infrastructure.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

We have recently started on our reconciliation journey with the endorsement of our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Read more about the commitments and actions we are undertaking as part of our Reflect RAP, to address inequalities, and increase economic equity and self determination for First Nations communities.

View our Reflect RAP

Volunteering Victoria's Reflect RAP cover

First Nations People & Volunteering

We are committed to an on-going process of reconciliation, acknowledging the historical and continued impact of colonisation and systemic racism on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. We are dedicated to building an organisation that prioritises the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, and respects their histories and cultures. We aim to be inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People within our organisation and the volunteering community.

View our Position Statement


Our Constitution

On 2 December 2013, Volunteering Victoria adopted a new Constitution, approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

View our Constitution

Our Board Charter

Including Directors’ Code of Conduct

View our Board Charter