News & Announcements

Election candidate commitments

By November 24, 2022 No Comments

In the lead up to the State Election, Volunteering Victoria sent a letter to Victorian election candidates asking for their commitment to volunteering and our election priorities. We are delighted that the following candidates have committed to supporting Victoria’s volunteers:

Candidate Party Link
Rod Barton Transport Matters Party Website | Facebook
Iris Bergmann Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook
Dominic Bonanno Liberal Party Website | Facebook
John Brownstein Greens Party Website
Stephen Capon Independent Website | Facebook
Braishna Durzada Greens Party Website | Facebook
Mike Fuery Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook
Sally Gibson Independent Website | Facebook
Brad Hearn Liberal Party Website | Facebook
Dr Helen Jeges Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook
Rachel Lamarche Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook
Evie Levens Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook
Clarke Martin Independent Website | Facebook
Vyonne McLelland-Howe Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook
Fiona Patten Reason Party Website | Facebook
Tamasin Ramsay Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook
Samantha Ratnam Greens Party Website | Facebook
Richard Riordan Liberal Party Website | Facebook
Hon. Peter Walsh On behalf of Liberals/Nationals Website | Facebook
Cassandra Westwood Animal Justice Party Website | Facebook

We look forward to working with all elected representatives to ensure Victorian volunteers and organisations are acknowledged, resourced, and valued for their immeasurable contribution to our local communities.

View our State Election campaign
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