News & Announcements

The Volunteering Victoria submission to the Victorian State Budget 2022–2023

By December 2, 2021 No Comments

Volunteering Victoria is pleased to provide this submission to the Victorian Government, in preparation for the 2022-2023 budget, including:

  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH).
  • Emergency Management Victoria (EMV).
  • Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV).
  • Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR).

Key principles:

  • Victorian Government agencies work alongside Volunteering Victoria to ensure that volunteering isrecognised and funded as a key mechanism contributing to community resilience.
  • Victorian Government commits to the development and strengthening of local and regionalcommunities through volunteering, and increased volunteering participation across the state.
  • Victorian Government supports initiatives that contribute to making volunteering equitable,accessible, diverse, and inclusive, to encourage the participation of all Victorians.
View our submission to the Victorian State Budget 2022–2023
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