News & Announcements

Victorian State Budget 2020-2021 Submission

By January 31, 2020 April 8th, 2020 No Comments

Volunteering is an important part of the Australian way of life and quality of living and has a broad impact on organisations, governments and communities. Volunteering Victoria welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to three Government Departments; Department of Health and Human Services, Local Government Victoria and Multicultural Victoria as they prepare for their 2020-2021 budgets.

In Victoria, safer and resilient communities rely heavily on the 1.5million volunteers who provide community-based services and enables community connection, coordination and capabilities. Nationally, the economic value of volunteering is equivalent annually to $290 billion. Investment in volunteering has a cross-sectional impact on governments and the communities they serve.

Volunteering Australia defines volunteering as “time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain.” Despite volunteers giving their time willingly, their contributions are not free. A broader understanding of the critical role of volunteers and volunteer managers is essential. Organisations that involve volunteers (VIOs) play as integral role in the recruitment, induction, training, support and regulatory compliance of volunteers. These organisations need the support to ensure they are effective in their roles. Volunteering Victoria supports VIOs through advocacy, sector development and the promotion of volunteering across Victoria.

“As the workforce modernises, digitalisation is changing the way volunteering happens around us.” Says Scott Miller, Chief Executive of Volunteering Victoria.

“It is incumbent upon us to view volunteering from a contemporary lens, understand these developments and invest in the volunteering sector accordingly”, he adds.

This submission demonstrates our support for government programs and investments in the volunteering sector over the next 12 months.



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