Leadership in Volunteering SIG

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Date: Tuesday 20 August 2024
Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm
Location: Online, via Zoom

Guest presenter: Zoe Squires – Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Topic: Building effective volunteer manager networks



Please note: RSVP is compulsory for attendance.
New members are welcomed.

About the SIG

The Leadership in Volunteering Special Interest Group (SIG) has been established by Volunteering Victoria to support the interests, activities and advancement of Leaders and Managers of Volunteers and Volunteer Management, in particular:

  • Advocating for the rights and interests of Volunteer Managers
  • Advocating for the professionalisation of Volunteer Managers and Volunteer Management programs through the provision of:
    —  Appropriate accreditation and recognition programs
    —  Training and professional development activities
    —  Continuous improvement initiatives
    —  Ongoing development and implementation of Volunteer Management Standards
  • Identification of current and emerging issues and trends of relevance to Volunteer Managers and Volunteer Management, and analysis of the impact of those issues and trends
  • Input to the development of relevant Volunteering Victoria events, programs and products
  • Provision of communication channels to:
    —  Facilitate the exchange of ideas, information and resources
    —  Strengthen and encourage engagement in the SIG
    —  Promote the value of Volunteer Managers and best practice Volunteer Management
  • Mentoring & peer support

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Volunteering Victoria is committed to continuously improving our Special Interest Groups (SIG) and the way we engage with and empower the volunteer sector. Please feel free to provide us with feedback about your SIG experience and suggest ways we can improve. You can also email us directly at: [email protected]

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