
Here are some frequently asked questions about the Volunteering Victoria Mentoring Program. Please read this in conjunction with the 2022 Information Kit.

Q: How long is the program?

A: The Mentoring Program runs for approximately eight months from March to November 2022. Mentoring partners may choose by mutual agreement to extend the relationship beyond the end of the Mentoring Program but any such arrangement will be made outside the formal program.

Q How often should I meet my mentor/mentee?

A: As a guideline, we recommend that mentees and mentors meet at least once a month for the duration of the program for a minimum of 1 to 2 hours, preferably face to face. Mentoring pairs may meet more regularly, and timing of the meetings may change during the relationship as the needs of mentors/mentees change.  Alternatives to face to face meetings may include using Skype, video conferencing, email or phone.

Q: When will I meet my mentor/mentee?

A: Mentees and mentors are introduced to each other at the program kick-off and introductory workshop to be held on 24 March 2022. It is required that all mentors and mentees attend this workshop so please keep this afternoon free for this meeting. More information including an agenda will be announced closer to the date.

Q: Are there any other events I should set aside time for?

A: Apart from mutually agreed meetings between the mentor and mentee, Volunteering Victoria have planned key events during the year to support the learning and development process for both mentor and mentee. Please refer to the 2022 Information Kit for these dates. It is a requirement of this program that participants attend these key events. If your application to the Mentoring Program is accepted, please schedule these meeting dates into your calendar. In some cases, there may be unforeseen circumstances that affect your attendance to relevant events. If this occurs, we ask that you inform the Membership Team, and respectfully, your mentoring partner in advance.

Q: When do applications open and close?

A: Applications open on 15 December 2021 and close on 25 February 2022. Mentors and Mentees can apply to the Mentoring Program by completing an Expression of Interest form, located on our website. While we do our best to match mentors and mentees, there may be more applications than available places. Successful applicants will be notified by email mid March. Applicants may be contacted in early March for a short phone interview.

Q: Can I apply or join after applications close or the program has already started?

A: Applications for the Mentoring Program will not be accepted after the closing date but you can register your interest for the following year by emailing the Membership team.

Q: Do I need to be a member of Volunteering Victoria to participate in the program?

A: Yes, either you or your organisation must be a current Volunteering Victoria member.

Q: Will I receive training?

A: Yes. Mentors will receive a short training session ahead of the program kick off. Mentees will have access to training during the program kick off around program expectations and goal setting. Support will be available on an ongoing basis from the Membership team.

Q: What if I am not suited to my mentor/mentee?

A: Every effort will be made by Volunteering Victoria to appropriately match mentees and mentors. If for some reason, one or both of the participants in a mentoring relationship are unwilling or unable to continue, the Membership team should be contacted. All discussions will be handled confidentially.

Q: Are all applicants likely to be able to participate in the mentoring program?

A: Generally, there are more mentees who wish to participate in the program than mentors. While every effort will be made to involve all applicants in the mentoring program, this may not be achievable.

To register your interest or if you want more information, contact Gillian Garner from the Membership team at Volunteering Victoria.

Email: [email protected] or Phone: 03 9052 4524